White Sand
Australian Labradoodles
Example of our White Sand Labradoodle Puppy contract
Breeder/Seller Buyer/Buyers
Health Guarantee / Contract
White Sand Australian Labradoodles
Susannah Spivey & Kelly Spivey
*** County Rd **
Headland, AL ****
Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone:
Litter Information
Microchip: Breed: D.O.B.:
Australian Labradoodle
Welcome to the White Sand family. We look forward to having you as a part of our extended puppy family! Puppy Contract
Guarantee Breeder Agrees:
< >Breeder guarantees that the puppy has had proper care to date and has been checked by a veterinarian. Puppy has received its first shots and has been dewormed. Health records have been provided. If puppy is being traveling by air a health certification from the vet is to be obtained for an additional fee of $25. It is advisable to take your new puppy to the vet immediately for a well puppy exam. If within 72 hours of receiving the puppy and he/she is examined by a reputable veterinarian and the health of the puppy is found to be at serious risk of euthanasia or death due to a congenital defect (existing at birth),
owner shall notify breeder and provide a written statement from a licensed vet describing puppies condition and shall return the puppy and papers to the breeder within three days of the examination. Breeder will replace puppy with next available puppy from another litter of similar quality or refund the full price of the puppy. Providing puppy is in the same condition mentally and physically as when it was originally purchased. This does not include worms, fleas, mites, coccidiosis, giardia, or any other parasites, as they are common in dogs and puppies. Breeder assumes no responsibility for veterinarian, shipping or training fees.
< >Breeder is not responsible if puppy contracts a communicable disease after leaving breeders possession.Breeder guarantees puppy against any congenital defect causing death of or making necessary euthanasia until two years of age. If a debilitating congenital defect arises and medical expenses are incurred breeder will cover medical expenses up to half the adoption fee that was paid for the puppy.Breeder offers two-year hip and elbow guarantee on any puppy found to have moderate or severely affected hip or elbow dysplasia that is debilitating. The following applies: The puppy must have a new x-ray by your veterinarian to confirm the diagnosis and it must be documented by an official OFA preliminary consultation. Additionally, the buyer must adhere to proper protocol in puppy raising in regards to proper nutrition and proper amount of exercise and playtime.If buyer does not provide proper nutrition and over exercises their pup before the age of 2 hip and elbow warranties will be voided. As a breeder we’ve done everything we can do to ensure we are producing sound puppies with parents who have good genetics. As owners it’s your job to provide the best atmosphere to allow the hips to form properly.Breeder offers two-year heart guarantee on any puppy found to have a severe heart murmur (grade 5/6 or 6/6). The following applies: The puppy must have a canine cardiologist perform an echogram to confirm the diagnosis.Upon receipt of a letter to breeder from a reputable canine cardiologist stating that in his/her opinion this condition is congenital, puppy will be replaced by puppy of equal value at breeder’s earliest possibility. We reserve the right to have a second opinion from our canine cardiologist. We also reserve the right to acquire DNA to determine the dog or puppy as one of our lineages.Breeder does not guarantee color, size, championship, fertility or temperament of any puppy.This guarantee is non-transferable. The puppy must be in good physical condition. No replacement will be given if dog has been bred. A licensed veterinarian must do all laboratory verifications. The buyer/owner is responsible for all transportation costs to and from the breeder. The breeder is not responsible for any and all veterinarian expense accumulated on returned or replaced dog/puppy. In the case of a debilitating congenital defect the remedy to the buyer is a replacement puppy or up to ½ the adoption fee paid for said puppy in the event that medical expenses equal to are incurred for diagnostic and or treating of debilitating congenital defect.
The following 1-7 will void all guarantees:
< >Allowing your dog to become obese or underfed at any time.Underfed: Ribs are highly visible. Ideal body condition: Can feel and see outline of ribs. Dog has waist when viewed from above. Belly is tucked when viewed from the side.Overfed: Dog has no waist when viewed from above. Belly is rounded when viewed from the side. Evidence of neglect or abuse from previous related trauma (Broken bones, related injuries, etc. )Dog has been fed a high quality dog food is required.Evidence of strenuous exercise – for example: No treadmill, no jogging, no extensive standing on back of legs or excessive tennis ball chasing and retrieving should be done especially on slippery floors. Puppies should be supervised when climbing up or down stairs for the first 6 months of their lives, as this can cause hip damage.We are not responsible for accidents, negligence, abuse or poisoning. To have puppy examined within 72 hours of purchase by a licensed veterinarian to validate this guarantee. If the puppy is returned due to illness, a verified letter from a veterinarian is required.The puppy is not being purchased for resale and will never be sold to a pet shop, puppy mill or agent of same.To provide all annual vet exams, to continue all required vaccine shots and proper vet care. It is important the puppy has all puppy shots, and their yearly boosters or to be titer tested to ensure immune protection. Failure to comply with and provide documentation of these requirements voids all guarantees.Your puppy has received his/hers first vaccination. Please see your puppies vet records that will be supplied to you at the time of puppy pick up. Your puppy will need three more puppy shots from your vet.Puppy is sold as: “Pet Puppy” with limited Registration – all puppies sold are sold on a spay/neuter “pet” contract . Your puppy must be spayed/neutered on or before your puppies first birthday. Once you’ve had your puppy de-sexed please have your vet complete a de-sexing certificate. Please be sure to have your vet include the following information on your de- sexing certificate & please have him sign it:BreedColorAgeMicrochip number of your puppyForm to be returned to the breeder not later than your puppies 8 month birthday. Please have your vet email a de-sexing certificate to kelly@whitesandgoldens.com
Failure to comply with the de-sexing requirement will constitute a penalty equal to the full cost of a breeding dog. An additional
$10,000 will be due immediately. Any legal fees associated with ensuring that your pet is de-sexed will be incurred by the buyer. The additional fee does not give you breeding rights... this is simply a fee for breach of contract.
When breeders purchase breeding dogs and or use stud services from other breeders we are required to sign contracts that all puppies whelped from said litters will be sold already de-sexed at 7 weeks of age or will be sold on a spay/neuter contract with a monetary fine for default.
< >Male or female puppy buyers with limited registration do not have the rights to breed your dog. No litters can be produced by your dog. Buyer is to forward a copy of the de-sexing certificate at the time of spaying/neutering. Breach of this portion of the contract will constitute a fine of $3,000 per puppy born, or $25,000 per litter which ever is greater, payable to White Sand. All proceeds will be donated to a dog therapy non profit organization in the form of therapy dogs.Buyer agrees to provide adequate housing away from the elements. Buyer will have a fence yard Your dog will NEVER be left on a chain. The buyer will groom, train and care for this dog in the manner consistent with high quality animal husbandry. I would like to elaborate on the training portion of this. You are making not only a financial investment but an emotional investment in your puppy. The more training you do with your puppy the better dog you will have in the end.The value of the pet for the purpose of this guarantee is solely the original purchase price of the pet, and does not include any additional prices declared by the buyer, such as value of show dog, shipping or training fees.That the buyer will return their puppy/dog to White Sand if the buyer is unable or unwilling for any reason to care for their dog/puppy. Buyer agrees that they will never surrender their dog to a dog rescue, animal shelter or a friend/family member without permission from White Sand.The purchaser agrees to inform the breeder (who is also the seller) of any genetic health issues and or problems with their dog so I the breeder may pay responsible attention to the issues within our breeding lines.This agreement shall be deemed consummated in Henry County and shall be governed by the laws of the state of Alabama. If for any reason litigation should occur, the venue shall lie in Henry County, AL. Breeder will not be responsible for any costs associated with this process.
I have read all pages of this contract and realize by signing below I agree to all the terms listed.